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** The Pocket Monsters Repository **
One Site Designed Completely While Under The Influence Of Pokemon ^_^;

ABOUT ME -- So, you're adventerous to actually want to know about the Jigglypuff behind the scenes, me? OK, well I don't exactly know where this is going to go, so watch out ^_^

I'm 18 and an avid Pocket Monsters fan. I'm not really into the show anymore (used to be though) or the card game, but I really love thier music. I was first exposed to Pokémon when I was in the 6th grade in 1997. I started watching and liked what I saw. Pretty soon, I was slightly obsessed and my friends were kinda iffy about hanging out with me since I was so much into it :D

Well, years past and the popularity dwindled. I remember that my Freshman year, my friends were kinda scared that I STILL liked that "childeren's show". I don't really care what people think of me, so I brushed the comments aside and continued to attempt to watch when possible. By that time, I had gotten into downloading the Japanese music and learning about Pocket Monsters. It was really awesome and that's what brought me onto creating this website. My absolute love for Pocket Monsters.

Other than my obsession with Pocket Monsters, I am also a computer nerd, and spend much of my time (when not in school) tweaking with my computers and running SETI. I am a senior member at the www.Overclockers.com forums, and regularly help people out with their problems, as well as post a few of my own ^_^. My username there is "JigPu" (go figure :D) and my avatar can be seen up in the top right of this page.

Currently, I'm heading off to a local Community College, where I am going to study for a CIS degree. After one year there, I'm transfereing to the University of Oregon to continue for my degree. Hopefully by the time I get done there the computer market will be less saturated and more jobs in that field will be open. If not, I'm planning on opening a computer shop with some of my nerdy friends :D


Well, that's about it for me in a nutshell... I could post a pic of me, but I don't have any handy. Besides, I'm not very photogenic IMO (contrary to what EVERYBODY says though...)


Your almighty author... sort of ^_^
Copyright 2002-2004 by JigPu

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